1700 kg of saffron is harvested in Kermanshah province , Iranian saffron, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, Saffron harvest in Kermanshah province, saffron harvest from farms in Kermanshah province

1700 kg of saffron is harvested in Kermanshah province

The CEO of Kermanshah Agricultural Jihad Organization announced the production of 1700 kg of saffron this year and said:
the average yield of saffron in the province is four kg per hectare.

Noorbakhsh Hatami, stating that this province has 422 hectares of saffron cultivation area, added:
120 hectares of this area has been added to Kermanshah saffron area this year saffron production of the has been 302 hectares of farms.

He went on to say that saffron has in all cities of the province except Qasr Shirin and Sarpolzahab he continued:
We have the highest level of saffron in the cities of Kermanshah, Dalahou, and Harsin.

He then pointed to the compatibility of saffron with the climatic conditions of the province and added:
Kermanshah has been the origin of saffron cultivation since ancient times and today saffron produced in Kermanshah has a high quality.

Referring to the activity of the saffron packaging unit in Kermanshah province, Hatami added:
Despite these capabilities, the development of saffron cultivation is on the agenda of the organization and is a priority,
so next year the cultivation of this product will be seen in 100 hectares.

He announced that harvesting saffron in the province is about a month.

Agriculture is the axis of sustainable development of Kermanshah and one of the important parts
of this border province and four seasons,
which with
the production of more than four million and 570 thousand tons of agricultural products in addition
to meeting the food needs of the province,
also provides and guarantees a large part of the country.

Kermanshah, a vast province in western Iran with an area of ​​25,000 square kilometers,
is one of the most important provinces of agriculture and natural resources so that 70%
of the province with an area of ​​more than 527,000 hectares by natural resources.
Forests and 1192,000 hectares of pastures.

There are also more than 950,000 hectares of agricultural land in Kermanshah province,
which annually produces 4,575,814 tons of agricultural, horticultural, livestock, fishery, and aquatic products.

Having 11 climates, rainfall twice the national average,
four seasons and production of more than 98% of agricultural and horticultural products
in the province is one of the capabilities and potentials of the agricultural sector of Kermanshah province,
which eliminates unemployment.
And create employment. , Increase farmers’ incomes, and benefited from the province’s economic prosperity.