What are the benefits of planting saffron on farms?
Saffron is the most expensive agricultural product in the world and is the most important export product of Iranian agriculture. Apart from the high domestic consumption, a significant amount of foreign currency exports to the country every year. On the other hand, given the high price of this valuable plant and the possibility of its great value for the country’s economy, and on the other hand, due to the production of almost 90 percent of the world’s saffron in Iran, this red gold is very important in terms of income generation and employment creation. .
Deputy Director of Plant Improvement at the East Azarbayejan Jihad Organization said saffron is an appropriate plant for underwater areas.
Ayoub Ramin Pham, in an interview with the correspondent of Iran Student News Agency (ISNA) in East Azarbaijan, added: Saffron is asleep in the summer and does not need water.
He pointed out enjoying all the saffron in various industries, explained: all parts of the saffron ranging from onions finely and leaves, sepals and petals, and the flags that were on the farm, textile industry beekeepers used Placed.
The Deputy Director for Plant Improvements of the East Azerbaijan Agricultural Jihad Organization noted that on average, 5 kg of dry saffron is obtained per hectare of land.
Iran has considered saffron as the most expensive crop, and emphasized that saffron with the lowest weight is the most expensive crop.
The director of the gardener of East Azarbaijan Agricultural Jihad Organization, told ISNA, said: “The three key criteria are good saffron selection, color, flavor and taste.”
Sa’dollah Eskandari added: “When drying saffron, care should be taken to ensure its aroma and color.
He described the method of calculating the economic performance of saffron: economic performance of saffron is expressed based on the amount of flowers harvested per unit area or the weight of saffron dried from the unit area.
The director of the gardener of the East Azerbaijan Agricultural Jihad Organization noted that from each of 167 saffron flowers, one gram of dried saffron can be obtained. He emphasized: planting, planting, harvesting and processing of saffron is simple and does not require complicated devices.
An expert on saffron in the East Azarbaijan Agricultural Jihad Organization said in an interview with the ISNA correspondent: adding livestock manure every year is necessary to strengthen the soil to the soil surface.
Asghar naghshi added: “In the case of storage, it should be noted that the saffron bulbs are not stacked up so that ventilation is done well.
He stressed the need to analyze soil in the allocation of fertilizer to saffron land, and explained: the allocation of fertilizer to the land of saffron should be based on the analysis of soil and the amount of organic matter and the ratio of carbon to nitrogen.
An expert on saffron of the East Azarbaijan Agricultural Jihad Organization said: One of the factors reducing the quality of saffron in Iran is its long drying period.
The role of advocate for saffron workers emphasized: after the transfer of flowers from the field to the isolation site in the shortest possible time, it is necessary to separate the stigma from other parts of the flower, otherwise it will not be used because of the rapid corrosivity of the flowers.
According to the report, if it is possible to produce saffron produced in accordance with the principles of hygiene in beautiful and marketable packages, we can attract world markets to buy more, and in this case, a great economic boom for Farmers will be provided.
Report: Amir Masoud Tayefa Soltankhani
source: isna /ir
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