Officials are struggling with drumming saffron

Officials are struggling with drumming saffron,saffron,The economy of the country,Iranian saffron market,saffron market,

Ali Hosseini, a member of the Saffron National Council, said that they are seeking to profit from price fluctuations in the market, saying: “These people are not convinced by the slight increase, looking for two or three times the price of this product on the domestic and foreign markets.” .
“They usually have brokers who bought saffron from farmers and dumped in their warehouses to benefit from rising prices,” he said.
According to Hosseini, grapes of saffron are not in any way beneficial to the Iranian saffron market and can bring negative results.
He saw the loss of a part of the export market as the result of an unforeseen rise in the price of saffron.
Hosseini also stressed that any unjustified price increase would have other costs, which could be detrimental to us.
This member of Saffron National Council considered one of the important problems of saffron merchants in transferring money and suggested: merchants of this product have the advantage of maintaining the market and developing it into tea currency exchange goods to the country.
According to customs tariffs, the amount of export of the product is clear, and according to it, traders are allowed to import the goods needed by the country, Hosseini said.
In the end, the expert noted with reference to the country’s economic conditions during the post-war era: After the war, and in the 1970s, the economic conditions of the country were such that the exchange of currency was carried out with difficulty. At that time, the government, with the import of goods The country’s need for the currency instead of the currency could stabilize the economy of the country.