red saffron in FRANCE

What is the administrative status of saffron in Iran?

By |2020-11-13T11:38:42+03:30October 19th, 2017|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

What is the administrative status of saffron in Iran? Birjand, the head of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce, said that many countries have gone to the production of this product, and I do not see a good future in this situation, emphasizing that it should be considered for saffron conversion industries. Gholamhossein Shafiy said Thursday in [...]

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The smuggling of saffron continues

By |2020-11-13T11:38:50+03:30October 18th, 2017|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The smuggling of saffron continues Vice President of the Saffron National Council, saying that from the end of April to mid-September, we are faced with the smuggling of red gold onions, saying that the batteries carry products such as onions and potatoes. Gholamreza Miri said in a conversation with Mehr about smuggling of saffron bulbs from [...]

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Competition in the international market is uncontrollable saffron

By |2020-11-12T13:43:45+03:30May 23rd, 2017|Categories: Medical properties of saffron|Tags: , , , , |

Competition in the international market is uncontrollable saffron According to Director of the Development Fund of saffron not only Afghanistan, but 30 countries have turned to saffron production in the coming years in the face of an international competition will be uncontrollably. According to ISNA, Ali Shariati Moghaddam stating that the brand in the field can be [...]

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